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Blogging About Real Estate Bahia

Baroque Wealth in Pelourinho, Salvador da Bahia
Featured Image with Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Category Bahia Insights:

This category is used to write worthwhile things to know about this area and the state of Bahia at large. Those who like to guest blog in relation to Bahia Insights are welcome.

Category Real Estate Insights:

The category ‘Real Estate Insights’ will blog about Bahia. Items of interest here are posts about new developments, trends, advice, and interviews in relation to real estate.

Insiders are welcome as regular or guest bloggers. Also, those people who are able and like to write about this subjects for the sheer sake of blogging are most likely granted permission. Anyway, you are free to apply as a user and to utter your wish to write articles. We don’t allow more than one backlink per 300 words, going out to a site you want to link.

Blog articles will be posted when they comply with our standards. We reserve the sole right to approve or disapprove the posting of articles.